Hallo liebe Gäste, Forennutzer und Vereinsmitglieder,

Wer sind wir?
Wir sind eine Gruppe begeisterter Rollenspieler, die sich zusammengefunden haben, um gemeinsam unser Hobby zu fördern. Oft bleiben Rollenspieler und Rollenspielgruppen unter sich, so dass Außenstehende wenig Möglichkeiten haben, sich damit vertraut zu machen. Die Würfelmeister haben sich daher zum Ziel gesetzt, Interessierten dieses spannende Hobby näher zu bringen und auch die Möglichkeit zum Spielen zu bieten. Außerdem wollen wir eine Plattform bieten für Rollenspieler, die Anschluss an Gruppen suchen oder selbst Gruppen gründen möchten.

An jedem letzten Mittwoch im Monat findet der offene Stammtisch der Würfelmeister e.V. statt.

Nächster Stammtisch: Am 29. Mai ab 19:00 Uhr in der Gaststätte Am Stift Haug. Siehe auch hier

Wir freuen uns, von euch zu hören.

Bleibt gesund
Eure Würfelmeister

Japan - Iga

Beiträge: 1509
Registriert: 18 Nov 2012 17:39
Wohnort: Nürnberg

Japan - Iga

Beitrag von Kashi »

Das ist der Thread zu unserer Japan-Runde "Iga"
"A platypus...? *gasp* PERRY, the platypus!"
Beiträge: 1509
Registriert: 18 Nov 2012 17:39
Wohnort: Nürnberg

Re: Japan - Iga

Beitrag von Kashi »

Name |Nobunaga, Kato|Brut |Homid|Aspect |Leaf
Concept |Samurai |Fera |Corax|Rang |Wood
Strength |X|X||||Charisma |X|X||||Perception |X|X|X|X||
Dexeterity |X|X|X|X||Manipulation |X|X||||Intelligence |X|X|X|||
Stamina |X|X||||Appearance |X|X||||Wits |X|X|X|||
Fähigkeiten |||||| |||||| ||||||
Alertness |X|X|X|||Animal-Ken |X|||||Academics ||||||
Athletics |X|T||||Crafts ||||||Computer ||||||
Brawl ||||||Ride |F|||||Enigmas |T|||||
Empathy ||||||Etiquette |X|X|X|||Investigation ||||||
Expression |X|X||||Archery |X|X|X|||Law |X|||||
Intimidation |X|F||||Larceny ||||||Medicine |X|||||
Leadership |X|X|F|||Melee |X|X|X|||Occult |X|||||
Primal-Urge |F|||||Performance ||||||Rituals ||||||
Streetwise ||||||Stealth |X|X|X|||Science ||||||
Subterfuge |T|||||Survival ||||||Navigation |X|X||||
Flight |F|F||||
Hintergründe| | | | |
Ressources |X |X | | |
Umbral Maps |X|X|X | |
Totem |X |X |X |X |X
Create Element
Voice of the Mimic
Truth of Gaia
Double Draught
(2-pt. Merit, Corax only)
Unlike most Corax, the character can drink from both of a dead man’s eyes, seeing the best and the worst of the corpse’s death. (Drinking rules P. 32 Corax Rulebook)

Rival Clan [ Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters Of The East -- Page 107 ]
(1-pt. Flaw)
For some reason, one of the other factions of shapeshifters at your court has an intense dislike for you. Perhaps the local Kitsune find you insufferably barbaric, or perhaps the Same-Bito think you are a poor excuse for a warrior. Whatever the reason, your Social rolls when dealing with this other Changing Breed (which may even be your own) are at +2 difficulty.

Ruf | | | | | | | | | | |
Glory| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Virtue |X | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Wisdom|X |X | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Rage |X |F | | | | | | | | |
Gnosis |X |X |X |X |X |X | | | | |
Willpower |X |X |X |F | | | | | | |
Sonstiges |
"A platypus...? *gasp* PERRY, the platypus!"
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Mato .

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

Name | Mato |Breed | Humid |Aspect | Tunnel Runner | Nature | Liear
Fera | Ratkin |Auspice | Leaf |Rank | Wood | Demanor | Diplomat
Attributes| | | | | || | | | | ||||||
Strength |X|X| | | |Charisma |X|X|X|X| |Perception |X|X|X| | |
Dexterity |X|X| | | |Manipulation |X|X|X|X| |Intelligence |X|X| | | |
Stamina |X|X| | | |Appearance |X|X| | | |Wits |X|X|X| | |
Abilities | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alertness |X|X| | | |Animal Ken |X| | | | |Academics | | | | | |
Athletics |T| | | | |Archery |X| | | | |Enigmas |X| | | | |
Awareness | | | | | |Crafts |X| | | | |Hearth Wisdom| | | | | |
Brawl |X| | | | |Etiquette | | | | | |Investigation|X| | | | |
Empathy |X| | | | |Larceny |X| | | | |Law |X| | | | |
Expression |X|X| | | |Melee | | | | | |Seneshal | | | | | |
Intimidation | | | | | |Performance |X|X|X| | |Medicine | | | | | |
Leadership | | | | | |Ride | | | | | |Occult |X| | | | |
Primal Urge |X| | | | |Stealth |X| | | | |Politics | | | | | |
Subterfuge |X|X|X|T|T|Survival |X| | | | |Rituals |X| | | | |
Streetwise |X|X|X| | |
Backgrounds | | | | |
Fetisch (Box of all Dresses) |X|X| | |
Totem (Butterfly) |X|X|X|F|F
Totem (Rate) |A|A|A|A|A
Danger Sense
Cloak of Shadows
(T) Tag Along (with a present)
Renown | | | | | | | | | | |
Glory |X| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Virtue |X| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Wisdom |X| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Rage |X|X| | | | | | | | |
Gnosis |X|X|X| | | | | | | |
Willpower |X|X|X|F|F| | | | | |
Other Traits | |
Gauntlet Runner | Merit FF | Can cross the gauntlett, despite any audience.
Pitiable | Merit F | Is very pitiable.
Natural Chaneller | Merit FFF | -2 difficulty to cross the gauntlett.
| Totem: Rat | 5 Willpower per Story
| Totem: Rat | -1 difficulty on bitting.
| Totem: Rat | -1 difficulty on stealth.
Maze Memory | Ratkin | All wererats have a highly developed "tunnel sense," a feel for absolute direction that prevents a Ratkin from getting lost underground.
Immunity to Disease | Ratkin | All Ratkin are immune to disease, a legacy of the Birthing Plague that enables them to change form.
Dark Vision | Ratkin | For 1 Gnosis a Ratkin gains Darkvision for a scene.
Privacy Sideways | Ratkin | Can only step sideways alone or infront of spirits or ratkin.
Poisinous Blood | Ratkin | If a ratkins blood is ingested (for example a bit) it does (Rage) leathel unsoakable damage.
Keening | Ratkin | A rakin can "scream" when in danger, only audible for ratkin, telling them the keening ratkin needs help.
Speaks in Squeels | Ratkin | ?????
Blood Memory | Ratkin | Roll Gnosis, Difficulty 6: Access Memmories of Ancestors and Relativs.
| Tunnel Runner | -2 Difficulty for manipulation and subtefuge when disguising.
Wanderlust Vision | Tunnel Runner | If the Tunnel Runner doesn't know where to go (lost, nothing to do) Rat will guide him/her to interesting and usefull places.
Traveling light | Tunnel Runner | NO RESOURCES!
| Totem: Butterfly | Tag Along (see Gifts)
| Totem: Butterfly | +2 Subtefuge (see Attributes)
| Totem: Butterfly | +1 Athletics (see Abileties)
| Totem: Butterfly | +2 Subtefuge when disguising.
| Totem: Butterfly | +1 Athletics when disguising.
Stepping Sideways | Ratkin | As Garou.
Healing | Ratkin | As Garou.
... | Ratkin | As Garou.

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