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Mike Smila / Kisses-Fire

Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Mike Smila / Kisses-Fire

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

Vorwort: Alle Angaben sind noch unvollständig und werden noch bearbeitet. Wenn ihr (Crazy Pole aber auch Rena oder ein anderer Spieler) etwas störend findet, sagt mir bescheid.
Name |Mike Smila |Breed |Humid |Tribe |Children of Gaia | Pack | <n.a.>
Deedname |Kisses-Fire |Auspice |Theurg |Rank |Fostern | Chronic | The Garage
Attributes| | | | | || | | | | ||||||
Strength |X|X| | | |Charisma |X|X|X|X| |Perseption |X|X|X|X| |
Dexeterity |X|X| | | |Manipulation |X|X|X| | |Intelligence |X|X|X|X| |
Stamina |X|X|X| | |Appearance |X|X| | | |Withs |X|X|X|X| |
Abilities | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Alertness |X| | | | |Animal-Ken |X|X| | | | |Academics | | | | | |
Athletics |X| | | | |Crafts(Farming) |X|X|X|X|X|X|Computer | | | | | |
Brawl |X| | | | |Drive(Offroad) |X|X|X|X|X|X|Enigmas |X|X| | | |
Empathy |X| | | | |Etiquette | | | | | | |Investig. | | | | | |
Expression | | | | | |Firearms |X|X|X| | | |Law | | | | | |
Intimidation | | | | | |Larceny |X| | | | | |Medicine |X|X|X|X| |
Leadership | | | | | |Melee |X| | | | | |Occult |X|X|X| | |
Primal Urge |X|X|X| | |Performance |X| | | | | |Rituals |X|X|X|X| |
Streetwise |X|X| | | |Stelth |X| | | | | |Science | | | | | |
Subtefuge |X| | | | |Survival |X|X|X| | | |Technology | | | | | |
Backgrounds | | | | | | |
Resources |X| | | | | |
Purebreed |X| | | | | |
Keenfolk |X| | | | | |
Totem |X|X|X| | | |
Fetish |X|X|X|X|X|X|X
Rites |X|X|X|X|X|X|X
Gifts |
Master of Fire | The very first spirit I ever meet thought me about this secret, but it took me my whole two years before my rite of passage before I finally understood it.
Mother's Touch | A feew days after I was promoted to Cliath the Totem of the Children of Gaia and Unicorn gave me two gifts, my new tribe and the touch of our Mother.
Sense Wyrm | After Unicorn aproched me, everyone expected me to learn at least one more Gift and so I asked the least annoying spirit for help. The snake understood that I wanted to be left alone and teched me Sense Wyrm.
Spirit Speach | I have two spirits, two fetishes with me, both powerfull and a miracle to me. I tried not to get excited, but in the end there mysteries made me learn there speach.
Brother's scent |
Command Spirit |
Name the Spirit |
Para Bellum |
Fetish | Masterpice
Gnosis | 6
Rank | 3
| Masterpice is an old heirloom from my mother's famely. The revolver is unlike any other revolver, completely designed and handmade by an unknowen kinfolk. The metal sparkles brightly despite all the years of use when polished - and he likes to be polished. The handle is made of soft rosewood and feels always warm to the touch, comforting the hand while aiming. If activated successfully Masterpice will not run out of bullets for the rest of the scene - pretty impressiv for a revolver with 5 chambers.
Fetish | light from the mountains of smoak
Gnosis | 6
Rank | 3
| The old ring and necklet of Indian origin is crafted from bones and a fire spirit from the Smokey Mountains is bound in them. All bones of the jewelry is lightly brown, looking burned. The ring is small and very plane on the outside, but on the inside are the runes of light, of trees, of hunting and of smoke. The necklet on the contrary is big and covers halve of the chest of the wearer, the different bones linked in patterns and glyphs.
| This fetish can not simply be activated, it needs to be fuled - feed?, satisfied? - with fire from herbs and grasses at first. It can store the energy of up to 5 fires. Necklet and ring can be woren seperetally or together, but each item is linked to one abilitty.
| The necklet allows the user to wrap himself in a aura of fire by activating the fetish and spending the energy of one fire from it's storage, granting the user a +1 difficulty for every oponent trying to hit him. The fire is not harmfull to anyone and not hot, despite it looks like that and is bright.
| The ring is a medium for the firespirit herself. By activating the fetish and spending energy from two or four fires from it's storage, the spirit can materialize and help the user for 3 or 6 rounds. If this ability is used outside of the umbra an aditional temporary dot of Gnosis is needed.
Fetish | Bells of Rain
Gnosis | 4
Ranke | 1
| A small set of bells that chime like the rain when activated. Summons a modest shower when activated outside. Has three uses before it must be recharged in natural rain
Rites |
Hunting Prayer |
Prayer of Pray |
Rite of Cleansing |
Rite of Talisman Detication |
Rite of Contribution |
Enchant the Forest |
Ruf | | | | | | | | | | |
Glory |X| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Honor | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Wisdom |X|X|X|X|X| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Rage |X|X| | | | | | | | |
Gnosis |X|X|X|X|X|X| | | | |
Willpower |X|X|X|X| | | | | | |
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand


Beitrag von Juy Juka »

My father is John Smila, also knowen as Speed of Wind, Athro, Theurg of the Children of Gaia, born as human. My father is the reverent of our village and the keeper of the land for our caern. As Theurg he knew from the day of my birth that I am a Garou and thoughet me as much and as little long before my first change. He expects me to succed him in the ways of the Theurg and never keeped that a secret.

My mother is Francin Smila, née [rena's familien name]. My mother is a skilled gunsmith, but didn't work much since she married my father, because she cared for the comunity, me, our home and the churge while my fater was bussy with Gaia and the caern. My mother is loving as every mother should be, but her opinion about the war against the Wyrm is strong as well. She expects every Garou - including me and my father - to carry the fight away from our home to the enemy and harangues the Kinfolk to support the warriors of Gaia but to be not afraid to pick up the weapons if needed.

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