[DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

[DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Topic für alle wichtigen Informationen über das Setting, die NSCs usw.

Trojan Caern – Sept of the Falling Sky
Physical Location: Northern slopes and valleys around Triglav mountain.
Level: 4
Type: Strength
Totem: Crow of War
Found – Ancient times

Breaks-the-Iron-Bones – Lupus Shadow Lord Philodox – 5 – Bearer of Ahanask Blade-of-Bitter-Truth
Father Iacopo “Keeper of the Gateway” - Homid Warder of Men Theurge and Abbot of St. Paul's Abbey in Mojstrana (Benedictine) - 5
Count Odalric “Argent Claws” Trenta - Homid Silver Fang Ahroun of House Conquering Claw - 4
Throat Ripper - Red Talon Ahroun - 4

Gatekeeper: Ciril Dušan
Keeper of the Land: Throat Ripper
Master of the Challenge: Timotej
Ritesmaster: Father Iacopo
Warder: Count Odalric Trenta

Truthcatcher: Tadej
Master of the Howl: Dobromira
Caller of the Wyld: Blood Night
Talesinger: Song-of-the-Forest
Wyrm Foe:

Spirits: Crows, Ravens, Foxes, Mice, small forest creatures

PS: Hier bitte nichts posten, Fragen und Anmerkungen per PN.
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: [DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Bevölkerung - ca. 150 Personen. Davon fast 100 leben im Kloster.
Wichtige Locations:
-St. Pauls Abtei des Benediktinerordens.

Bevölkerung - ca. 200 Personen. Davon arbeiten 45 in der Burg.
Wichtige Locations:
-Burg des Grafen Odalric.
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: [DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »


Beast Blood pack
Totem: Old Wolf of the Woods
Camp: Predator Kings
Alpha - Throat Ripper - Red Talon Ahroun - 4
- False Path – Red Talon Ragabash - 3
- Blood Night - Red Talon Theurge - 3
- Burnt Blade - Red Talon Philodox - 3

Lords of the Valleys pack
Totem: Heron
Alpha – Count Odalric “Argent Claws” Trenta - Homid Silver Fang Ahroun of House Conquering Claw - 4
- Shadow-of-the-Dark-Way - Lupus Silver Fang Theurge - 4
- Timotej “Tune of the Past Days” - Homid Child of Gaia Galliard - 4

Dark Wings pack
Totem: Crow
Camp: Children of Crow
Alpha – Ciril “Thundershadow” Dušan Homid Shadow Lord Theurge - 3
- Semovit “Blade of Betrayal” – Homid Shadow Lord Ragabash - 3
- Dobromira “Storm of Deceit” – Homid Shadow Lord Galliard -3
- Tadej “Bent Truth” - Homid Shadow Lord Philodox - 3

Shadow Fangs
Totem: Grandfather Thunder
Alpha – Lightning's Child - Lupus Shadow Lord Ahroun - 3
- Killing Bite - Lupus Shadow Lord Ragabash - 3
- Smoke Fur - Lupus Shadow Lord Ahroun – 3

Northern Forest pack
Totem: Weasel
Alpha – Song of the Forest - Male Lupus Red Talon Galliard - 2
- Truth Hidden in Lies - Female Lupus Black Fury Philodox - 2
- Falling Timbers - Male Lupus Red Talon Ahroun- 2
- Rock Weaver- Female Lupus Get of Fenris Theurge- 2

Master's Wards pack - Deceased
Totem: Horse
Alpha – Marija “Falcon's Beak” od Radovljica - Female Homid Silver Fang Philodox - 2
- Wolfram Headsplitter - Male Homid Get of Fenris Ahroun - 2
- Fra. Paolo "Claws of Embers" - Male Homid Warder Theurge – 2

Blueberry Dale pack
Totem: Hedgehog
Alpha – Simoneta "Treesnapper" - Female - Homid Black Fury Ahroun- 2
- Ulfhild "Grim Judgment" – Female - Homid Get of Fenris Philodox - 2
- Milena "Fur-rough-as-wood" – Female - Homid Child of Gaia Ragabash - 2

Wayfarers pack
Totem: Frog
Alpha – Petr “Hammer of Faith” Vukov Male Homid Warder Ahroun - 2
- “Hanna” Riddle-of-Words Female Lupus Warder Ragabash - 2
- Sandra “Dew's Dawn” di Pulfero Homid Child of Gaia Theurge - 2
- Moonhowler Male Lupus Child of Gaia Galliard - 2
- Soft-Fur Female Lupus Child of Gaia Philodox - 2
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: [DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Totem: Squirrel
Alpha – Irmingard
- Jelena – Female - Homid Black Fury Theurge - 1
- Silver Splits-the-Human – Male - Homid Shadow Lord Ragabash - 1
- Blood Claw "Bruder Edmund" - Male – Lupus Red Talon Galliard - 1
- Irmingard She-who-Endures - Female – Homid Black Fury Philodox - 1
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: [DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Allies of the Caern:
- Epirus Caern - Hades Sept
--Ajax Ebonblade, Elder and Judge of Doom

- Deep Marsh Sept in Veneto

Other Caerns:
- Black Forest Caern
- Athens Caern - Silver Owl Sept
- Lesbos Caern - Wavecrest Grotto Sept
- Laokonian Caern - Blood Wolf Sept
- Sept of Storms (Kingship) in Carpathians
--Radoslav "Black Silver" - Theurge Shadow Lord Rank 4
--Voynimir "Thunderclash" - Ahroun Shadow Lord Rank 4
- Rome Caern - Seven Hills Sept

- Engelfred, patriarch of Aquileia.

Enemies of the Caern:

Bishop Herold von Salzburg -
-Aldhard of Klagenfurt
-Raginmund of Paternion
-Gangrel Vampires

Laibach Vampires:

Rome - Twin Wolves Sept
--Guiliano, duca di Pentapolis - Silver Fang Philodox Rank 4
--Amata di Bologna - Silver Fang Galliard Rank 3
--Bernardo Pisano - Silver Fang Ahroun Rank 3

Silent Striders
--Xerxes "Death's Doorstep" - Galliard Rank 4
--Aaron "Steppe Wind" - Theurge Rank 4
--Manasseh "Split-Hoof" - Ahroun Rank 4
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: [DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Political Division:

Shadow Lords-
The Shadow Lords are the leaders and owners of the Caern. They try to accommodate the other groups by delegating Caern functions around and maintaining a communal decision making process. Most of the highest ranking Garou in the Sept are Shadow Lords, giving them the most say when it comes to making decisions.

Red Talons-
The Red Talons are dominated by the Lodge of the Predator Kings, a camp wishing for the return of the Impergium. This is lessened by the fact that the Lupus of different tribes are working against them and by the totem choices of the Red Talons, which reflect a deep spiritual side normally not present among the Lodge members.

Silver Fangs, Get of Fenris, Black Furies-
The smallest and most varied group centers around the household of Count Odalric. Their wish is to maintain the status of the Homids and their kin and against most moves of the Red Talons. Their weakness stems from being scattered around many packs, precluding them from working as one.

Warders of Men, Children of Gaia-
The largest group, though not strongest. Both tribes are mixed up in Homid affairs and try to protect the Caern from the influence of the two local bishops (Salzburg and Aquileia). This leaves them aligned either with the Shadow Lords or the Camp of Count Trenta. Their undisputed leader, Father Iacopo is the most powerful Homid of the whole Caern, both politically and spiritually.
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4214
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: [DAW] - Hintergründe, Locations, Personen

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Mojstrana extended Edition.
Bevölkerung - ~ 130 Personen.

Wichtige Locations:
St. Pauls Abtei des Benediktinerordens. 95 Personen davon:
-1 Abt - Iacopo
-4 Mönche mit Priesterweihe - Anselmo, Günther, Fredegar, Adhemar
-65 Brüder ohne Priesterweihe
-25 Oblaten
--In der Umbra anwesend

Irmingards Haus mit Schmiede
-Nicht in der Umbra vorhanden

Jelenas Haus mit einer Gerberei
-Nicht in der Umbra vorhanden

Tadejs Haus
-In der Umbra anwesend aber nicht von außen betretbar.
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil


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