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Verfasst: 30 Mai 2008 17:51
von Crazy Pole
<wird noch gepostet>

Combat: Guardian (Der Sensenman/Grim Reaper/Ankou/Psychopomp)
Detection: Guidance (Gespenster/Ghost)
Health: Beast (Geister versch. Haustiere wie Katzen oder Hunde/Household animal's ghosts)
Illusion: Man (Poltergeister)
Manipulation: Task (Geister versch. Spezialisten)


Keeper of the Gate
The keeper is always there, no matter how many die. He guards the gates to the otherworld. No one can pass without being noticed and no one can deceive him. The keeper is an impassionate figure which does not concern himself with trivial pursuits. He has been portrayed as Cerberus among the Greeks, Wepwawet among the Egyptians, and Charon among the Etruscans. But no matter how he appears, the keeper has a dislike for trickery and deception.
Advantages: +2 dice for guardian spirits, +2 dice for detection spells
Disadvantages: -2 dice for illusion spells