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Eure Würfelmeister

Casandra Cheng

Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - Horror

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

The first piece of paper I found, a piece of kitchen roll from *the writing gets shaky* there.
It seams as if I have no tears today, despite I should cry. Cry like never before.

My head still can't take everything, so much happened in so less time. *a little hole had been poked in the paper with the Biro*

We pissed the street-guys up even more I managed to do myself. I was knocked out and didn't see what happened but in the end one who could be our ally was laying dead on the ground without a touch of an enemy.
Despite this horrible fact it was the less worse what happened.

We didn't stop at that point, the young boy seamed not to think that we've done enough damage. He lead us to S.'s home, who was home *again the writing is shaky* but not alone. We made small talk, just pretending everything was totally normal and four corrupted fighters in S.'s home are totally okay. The boy said a normal sentence, but called S. by his real name accidentally - every eye in the room widened. Only seconds or minutes later everything was a bloody mess and in two winks the two worst things of my life happened.

First I had to take the life of a person. I *shaky writing* killed here! I killed animals and monsters before what felt right, but not a person - a minute ago we talked to each other! And now I see how her last blood flows out of the wound I did with my weapon. This feels so sick and so false - I'm *still shaky* a monster, a bloody killing monster.

Second I had to look at my partner how his body was ripped apart! I could have instantly vomited! He is gone. I still don't get it. I He The des *the last words were lightly crossed away*

At D. where ever you are:
Even you've been a little agressiv boy, I think you did every thing with good reason and a good goal.
You've been more then bad to me, you've even said you'll kill me and I don't think I liked you, but you've done things when they had to be done and no one of us did it.
You didn't deserve that! I wish I could turn back time and do something for you.
I hope you are happy and don't have to carry the burden on we all share.


Casandra folds the piece of kitchen roll and put's it in her poket. She managed to write it without some one looking at it (she thinks).
"I have to aske if I may give my private thoughts and wishes into the fire." Casandra thinks by her selfe.

[offtopic]PS: Bitte mich dran erinnern sollte ich das bei der nächsten runde vergessen. Danke.[/offtopic]
Beiträge: 299
Registriert: 24 Mär 2009 21:52

Re: Casandra Cheng

Beitrag von Thygrrr »

Awesome. Einfach nur geil. *verbeug*
"Is not the balance of our world the concern of all?" - Nava, the old shaman wolf (David Carradine)
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

Hi Thygrrr,

Danke für die Lorbeeren :) .
Ich geb mir mühe und hoffe es gefällt und erfreut jemaden.

Juy Juka
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - The world goes on

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

The world just goes on! D. isn't any more, we payed our last respects to him yesterday - or the day before yesterday, it's already past 00:00. Everyone was there and we did our best to do as he would have liked it to be done. But that's not what I wanted to write down.

D.'s death didn't stop the bad things from happening in the world. Today S. showed us a home of another slurred one. There we met a stranger and nearly did the same again, nearly fought a potential ally. But we all stoped bevore something happened. This new guy is a visitor to our city and want's only money from the slurred one. He was only hirred. In the end we got along and together explored the home of the slurred one.

This house was horrible! Dusty like hell, draining all water from you in minutes. The basement was the worst, a women and a dog died of thirst in there. The diningroom in the first floor wasn't much better. A bowl of blood like, crusted liquide was enthroned on the table. Only looking at it said you that it was slurred. After carrying it carefully in the garden we cleaned and destroyed it. If I can trust the words of the visitor it was pure evil.

My partner suggestet to look on the other side, because T. disappeared. We jumped again to carelessly but in the end we saved T.'s life. That was worth it. But next time, I have to think of the barrier realy as a barrier to get over it.

We decided to meet the visitor tomorrow - today - again.
But to give the day the final touch ... The police was at my home again! So T. and my partner endet up at his home and I wanted a night for myself.

Why don't may I have at least a home! It's only a empty room with four walls and a roof! I want to go home. *there are a lot of very little lines around the word home, as if the biro was hold there a long time.*


What I wanted to say: Despite all the bad things happened, the world just goes on.


Casandra goes to the window of the rented room, on purpose she had take a room in the highest floor of the hotel.
She opens the window, foldes the paper to a paper airplane and waits for a breeze to give it to the wind.
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - At half moon turns the path(?)

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

I think it became a habit to write everything down. I'm not sure if it is a bad habit but as long as I feel better after doing so I'll continue.

We meet the eldest today. It wasn't half as bad as I feared. He didn't adjudge us and even was kind of kindly to us. He gave us some advices and warnings, I'm very thankful for.
To my surprise the new guy was much more friendly this time and some of his opinions are like mine.
He surprised me again by giving us some very helpful tips about our law and so on. He's very familiar with our nation, something no one of us is. I think I could get along with him, despite hs is as violent as my partner.

Todays moon seams more kind to us too. Despite my dislikes about the plan, it was promising and worked out perfectly! By observing a suspicious area we spotted enemies, hindered them at first, discovered there hideout and finally beaten them. It was violent and disgusting but the result will help us in court.

I'm kind of *the previous words in this sentence are crossed out* I don't know how I feel right now. As I spied on our enemies I saw two of them in a violent and animal act of sex. I was so jealous of on her and immediately so disgusted at myself. I'm confused and a little frightened. Luckily the adrenalin and the anger in the following battler washed this feelings away - temporarily.
I *crossed out* I *crossed out* Oh please, I need help and advise!


After writing this in her car, in front of the motel, Casandra walks through the night. The cool wind and the light rain helps cooling down. She walks to a small, young tree. It replaced a old one, witch stump remained. She gives the paper to the wooden roots of the tree. She returns to the room, still a long night with five other garou in on little room ahead.

(Ich schreibe das im Vorraus und in der Hoffnung, dass nichts mehr drastisches und schlimmes in den wenigen Stunden bis zur Dunkelheit passiert.)
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - Mearcy

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

Another evening in Pittsburgh, another piece of paper for me.

Nearly every thing is ... okay at the moment. We survived *crossed out* haven't been punished at the court of the sloppy guys. Some of them where open minded and not trapped in the common thinking - I don't have to name there moon. With some *crossed out* a lot of help from the eldest they passed the punishment up. He told us to pay them somehow back.

But something else I can't forget. Something the eldest of the sloppy guys said, something she decided. Despite all her pain, despite all she lost, much more then I could lose at all, she putted that aside to serve our world. She decided against her nature in favor of her fellows, of our nation, of our world! I know that I wouldn't be able to do that, that I'm not close as strong as her. It took all my courage, but I could give her my phone number, perhaps someone not of her fellows can be a help. I can't offer much to her but I'm willing to do what I can.

This weekend I have to order new furniture and a lot of other things. I think I'll change the style of my home. And I have to show up at work really urgent! I'm really glad I got this job and that a nice boss.


Casandra stops chewing. She takes the metal the gum wash wrapped in and now wraps her message to nobody with it. She thinks of the metal garbage can she saw an her way home, but decides against it. She walks in the garden and pushes her little package behind the metal rain gutter and goes sleeping for tonight.
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - Chaos and order

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

I didn't write something in the last days, they have been *a hole is poked in the paper* chaotic.

Back to business - at leas I managed to show up at work. My boss was unpleased, I think that's okay. I managed to show up more often at work and to kind of make it up. Thanks to my boss, he's really kind and sympathetic. To my pleasure the work was boring, that helped a lot to weather through everything else.

The others searched for the bad T. guy. As I was told via SMS successful. I didn't hear anything for long hours from them. I was worried, not knowing what was going on. They could have been injured or even worse dead! I couldn't reach either one on there mobile phones - that didn't calm my feelings.
I drove to the address they told me and I saw something that nearly stopped my heart beat.

The house by that address was open. A lot of police man walked around. I spotted the crashed motorbike on the street, it was heavily damaged! There was also some red things on the street, I only could hope that it wasn't blood! This wasn't the maximum of possible fear. To make it all worse a van of an intelligence service appeared - an intelligence service! Agents rushed in the house now too.

I couldn't wait, I needed to know what was happening in there. I bought a cup of coffee in a shop. After I drank it, I took the spoon with me and used the mirror of the toilette to pass on the other side. Quickly I walked to that house again. A lot of spiders where there, building. I just stepped inside that *a hole is poked* lot/box/cell and tried to be friendly to the spiders. They more or less ignored me at first. I did that too and looked on the other side with the help of the spoon. I couldn't spot a body or a person with red hair, a bit relieved I stopped looking - okay, I also was worried about the spiders. I was to late, they already encased me in there web. It was that painfully and dangerous to get out of there, I should never ignore them again. At on point I considered to brake through the barer to the other side, in front of all agents and officers. I could at least get out of there and was eased.

The next day I could contact my partners - since when do I think about HIM as a partner - everything seamed all right. Perhaps it's good to think of the stranger as a partner, we fight in the same war. He called us for help and we drove there as quickly as possible. To our misfortune the bad T. guy was angry at us - very angry. He drove against my car, while we where driving! We tried to contact and stop him but it was to late he pushed us off the street and only together we could slow down the car and prevent it from flipping over. My car is ruined again, but me and my partner where not too bad injured - at that point of the story. A helpful citizen wanted to call the ambulance, but as I friendly refused he called the police instead. The very violent police man shoot a taser at me! The next thing I remember is a cell in the police station, the officer I meet at this very first night of my new life was there and putted the idiot down how shoot me. At least I could talk to the officer who brought me to my new life. He's friendly, helpful and understanding. I hope to meet him at a good day.

Now finally with a lot of hours delay we all meet at the strangers motel. He told us about the "monster". It sounded strange and I saw that he drank that much - together it was suspicious. I asked some more, some details of death of thirst and as he affirmed it I asked about a dog. I was right. It must be that sibling. Together we could prepare some water to help her. We strayed around and finally the dog appeared and a little later the sibling too. Quickly I gave her the water. As it worked she was able to talk to us and give us a message - a very important message in her opinion I would say.
To be honest, the next day was all about work and my new furniture and I was that exhausted, I just couldn't talk to the addressee of the message of our sibling.

At the following evening we convinced the sloppy guys to allow us to talk to there prisoner, the addressee of the message, G.Th. We told him the message as carefully and gentle as we could, despite that he raged and cried. Finally we found out about all that relations. G.Th. has a child with the sibling sending the message. He was in love with her and her husband is slurred. There child is still alive - what a luck - and that so called bad T. guy kind of saved the kid! All that confused and touched G.Th. and the eldest of the sloppy guys, with some luck she'll be able to talk some sense into the "bad" T. guy and will realize what's about G.Th. and release them. I just can hope for that.

Oh, I nearly forgot: I trained together with my partner and we kind of destroyed but not destroyed a bottle. It's interesting and strange, I have to check that out.


The now full letter-size looks a bit funny because of the marker Casandra used to write. The break is nearly over and she puts the paper in a plastic wrap to protect it from water. The paper is putted between the double glazed window, exposed to the sun that way the text will be gone "in the light" soon.
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - Face of the Wyrm

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

What a day! This was just crazy. But let's start at the beginning.

Yesterday I wanted to ask the sloppy guys if the talk witht the "bad" T. guy was over. That wasn't done, but the plush guy tolled me something about a festival. I checked it for him on the net - he seams not to have access - and it became more and more fishy. The next day, after I cleaned G.Th.'s home, I called my mate and we decided to visit that festival. I was toled, that the "bad" T. guy killed one slured prisoner of the sloppy guys and left without explaining - perhaps heading to the festival too.

There was a strange feeling, a strange smell, in the air of the festival and I got a lot of pain as I tried to look at the place with my special eyes. But we found what we searched - the "bad" T. guy. We hunted him on the other side, but lost a lot time by moving there. To my regret there also came two foreigen ones of our kind. After some friendly words I tried to quickly head on, becouse the "bad" T. guy is too quick. I could track him and somehow we all - my mate, DD the new guy, the smelly foreigner, the foreigen brother of my mate, the "bad" T. guy and me - ended up in an old station or something like that. We talked - what a positiv variety - and got a lot of information.
- What was going on with the slured.
- What was going on between the "bad" T. guy and the sloppy guys.
- What the slured needed.
- What was about G.Th.'s kid.
Perhaps I could convince the "bad" T. guy to hand the child over to us or the sloppy guys and that way to his father. That would solve a lot of problems.
But I still have to ask about that, the foreigen brother of my mate attacked DD and I had to step between them. DD left and we all kind of splitted up, while trying to calm the sittuation.

As five of us - DD not - returned in that train-building, something was going on. I spotted four slured on the top of the building, one aiming on the leaving DD. We quickly had to fight. I shot at the one, aiming at DD, and could stop him from shooting more then once on DD. He didn't survive, it feels kind of strange to write about that, becous it's the first time I can think about that. I feel bad, but not that bad at that time. Am I jaded or simply still too full of anger, adrenalin and so on?
Anyway, the others defeated the three remaining fighters on the roof, but we had to run away - with a healed DD and the last survivor. Something big came closer!

With enough distantc we cleaned and examine the survivor. We could clean him, but couldn't get much more information then his name before a storm of spawns attacked us. We triede to return to the normal side, but two failed and the survivor died. DD, the smelly foreigner and me met on the normal side and spied on the other side. A lot of enemies surrounded a building and we couldn't spot my mate or his foreigen brother. Quickly we called help - me the visitors from the wilderness and DD the sloppy guys. After that we moved to the other side again and spied on the sittuation as long as we could wait, but everything got out of controll before the reinforcement arrived.

DD sneaked into the battle ahead of the smelly foreigner and me, he seames to have killed some nasty guy's before they could make trouble.
The smelly foreigner and me faced the boss of the slured, I endure his mighty green fire and his attacks to allow the smelly foreigner to hit badly.
In the building the brothers fought all the minions, both dealing out and taking a lot of damage.
We won, but only the arrival of the first sloppy guys prevented a lot casualties - I still can't belive that I was realy happy to see K. !

All got off lightly. I don't feel guilty to be part of the couse of the dead of the boss of the slured. I'm infact proude and will wear his tooth as a trophy one day - I hope. *here the biro circled a lot* I'm afraid of tomorrow! I'm realy afraid of tomorrow! It's going to be a fight - a war! And I barely feel fit enough to do what I have to do today! I don't want to die tomorrow, today showed me again how fragil and worthy life is.

[size=large]Please mother help us all tomorrow. Please bear help my mate and me tomorrow. [/size]


Only minutes after the fight Casandra graped a biro and a paper to write everything down. With a big black permanent marker Casandra covers the whole paper, even the backside. No light should be able to pierce the darkness, covering her message now. She just drops it in the bin on the way.

((@Thygrrr: Ich hoffe es ist okay und ich komme and das Material zum schreiben.))
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - Mail @ home

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

As soon as possible Casandra writes the following mail to her parents. With a very very sad face she pushes send at the bottom of the programm and switch's her cellphone to "silten mode".

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you? What's going on at home? What happened with that building they demonstration infront of?
I have a lot of new friends here in Pitsburg by now and my job is realy what I wanted. It couldn't be much better right now.

I realy love you. Thank you for giving me such a loving and protected childhood. Thank you for all you did and I can never give you back. Please be happy and stay together allways.

When ever nessecery - you'll know - please send the attached file and - if possible - the following file from my computer to my old professor: [url]c:userscasdocumentsimportant.doc[/url]

In love

((The attatched file contains her idea about the cure of cancer.))
Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4067
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng - Lost paradise island

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

It has been a while since I wrote something down. Now I have to write a lot, positiv and negativ things.

At first: Friday - evening
We end the day relativly well. After speaking at the sloopy guy's place we were allowed to send our friends home - G.Th., there speaker M. , S. and there female leader T.T. After that I brought my partner home and meet the 'bad' T. guy. We talked a bit and he gave me all nessecery information to find G.Th.'s son. I ... I am not sure how or why I went to meet my partner again, but I did. I found his home destoryed, the police and the ambulance and total chaos. I was so worried and nearly paniced. With a bit luck I focused enough to use my special eyes and could find out a bit more. People where killed but I saw my partners father alive. I called the police-man but he couldn't tell me anything too.

Second: Saturday
With luck or instinct - I am not sure - I found my partner. He was alone int he middle of the city, realy badly hurt! I used the present of our mother and our protector to heal him. It worked - kind of - but caused a pollution that was more then ... just dirt, more then just on him. Very, very worried we headed to the park. A lot of our kind waited there and a lot of our enemies followed us. It was tried clean my partner - relativly successfully. They used pure water to make a stronger try, but as I helped the water got that incredible pollutet! The eldest ordered us out of the city, ordered to clean us. We walked away.
My partner wannted to go home, but I tried to convince him to go to my home, because I wanted to protect him from that experience. He refused to trust me and I tried to force him. He was better then me and I woke up on his shoulders after our little fight. I begged him again and he finally said 'yes' as I promissed him to tell everything at my home.
At home I first tried to make everything right. I sent a mail to my parents. I called the women, protecting G.Th.'s son and told her to bring him to his father. I called my boss, telling as much as nessecery and as less as possible. I asked the sloopy plush guy to look after my apartment. I paked everything I think we need. I'm not sure if I didn't forgett something.
After that I had to tell my partner what happened. It was difficult, but he could bear it.

Third: Saturday - later
We found a place to rest and a little-brother - how he called himself - found us. He is annoying but funny at the same time and - thank's mother - very knowledgeable about our problematic themes. He twited us a lot but told us some very usefull things. After we called and talked - a little - to our protector our little-brother gave us the possiblity to follow our protector.

Forth: Sunday
We decided to follow our protector. The walk through his world was strange. Very strange. Then we found a place that looked normal again - a island in this endless ocean of darkness. It could have been a very beautifull dale, with a lake and trees. It could have been if it wasn't totally slured, looking like the waste dump of a chemical plant. Strange sounds could be heared from down there, from inside a cave. We sneaked inside and found a injured guy - nearly a boy. My partner wanted to look at him, to pick him up if nessecerry. I was that focused on finding our protector, that I didn't notice something above me. It graped me with a dozen or arms or claws and pulled me up into its layer. I stroke it with my sward, I tried to kill it with my Guan Dao and finally to free myself with my claws - everything failed. It ... It did things to me. It hurt that much! I was blinded and silenced and ... The next I remember where pain and me laying next to my partner and DD. I couldn't blink and I couldn't speak. It hurt and I had to vomite - I thougt - but only blood, a tooth and hunks came out. My partner tried to help me and made things worse. The next howers are only pane in my memories.

Fifth: Monday (I think)
I could blink again! What a releave! After cleaning my eyes we discused how to head on. I wanted to get my weapons but before we could do anything the universe moved first.
The thing witch attacked me yesterday (if it was yesterday) came out of the cave and at the same moment our protector came closer. I thought we needed a more then quick way to get rid of the monster down in the dale. I saw a foundling, just big enough for me. I stemed the estimated tonne - perhaps it was realy a tonne - and threw it with all my power, all of the power mother gives me and all the power our protector gives us. It felt like the victory over the darkness itself as the rock crushed the monster with a clap like thousend thunders.
I noticed the new guy or boy, he managed to be ready for the battle, despite he had absolutly no experiance - how many with the same power as his, have ended allone in this world, unaware of what happened and afraid. It was luck for him to meet us, despite he has to fight now.
I was still slienced and had to show my partner how to catch our protector. It was difficult without speaking, but it worked. We had still a feather but no knife. DD helped us with his new powerfull knife - thanks.
We had a very short battle with our protector and my partner managed everything nessecerry to catch our protector bravely. I'm so happy, that we now can help our protector.
Finally we collected my Guan Dou from down there and some more or less polluted figures of our protector. I wanted to clean this place, but was out of water and had to only mark the rock I threw as symbol of victory of our mother.

Back at the other side we ate, drank and cleaned us. We made excuses for the new guy or boy. Sadly my bag felt abused and refused to work - now I have to help all my soul mates. We talked a bit to the new guy or boy. He is totally confused - understandable - but I think he'll be a good ally if he is trained soon. Anyway, it is enough for today.


I took a long time to tipe everything in the mobile phone, but was worth it. Casandra wants to write everything on a paper as soon as she knows how to give the paper to eternity.

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