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Casandra Cheng

Juy Juka
Beiträge: 4061
Registriert: 19 Mai 2008 14:53
Association title: 2. Vorstand

Re: Casandra Cheng

Beitrag von Juy Juka »

Mama ...
I curl up on the cold sand of Erebuss, holding my bag close to my tender flesh. Every move hurts like crazy and I haven't done anything else then crying all the time I can remember. I still cry.

I wake up again and nothing has changed. Still there is pain everywhere and the cold darkness of Erebuss greets me. But I can think now and wisper to my brooch. "W...what happened?" "They have put you in the silver forge of Eberuss." I try to node but stop as it hurts. I speak silently and don't move, not making Nose of winter noticing me.* "It hurt so much." I hold my brooch close and drift off to sleep again.

"What time is it?" I ask my brooch the next time I wake up. "Here is no time. In Pittsburg it would be 11:34 a.m." This time I can node. "I ... I thought I would die!!!" I look with big eyes at my brooch and tears flow out of my eyes again. I look at Nose of winter and move away from him as good as I can.* I cry for a long time and hold both, my brooch and my bag close to me. My brooch clicks as caring and helpfull with her antennae as it can.

"Here is no time. In Pittsburg it would be 04:21." My brooch answeres again as I ask for the time. "Why ... why am I alive? They ... He ... It pushed me into silver!!" I don't understand the answere of my brooch at the moment, too much horror flows into my mind again. After another hour I speak again to my brooch, still not having sat up or anything. "It hurt so much. I ... " I look asking for help to my brooch. "It would be 05:13 in Pittsburg." It tries to help me. I sniff and shiver as I hold it close to my heart and just lay down to cry and heal a bit more.

I look at the text message on my phone, not remembering to have typed the word. The clock shows 04:16 p.m. "How ..." my voice is better then before, not like the crying of a baby anymore, but still a raspy and weak wisper, shaking from fear and horror. "...long has it been?" "24 hours and 12 minutes have passed in Pittsburg while you've been in the silver forge." I node and without speaking the brooch knows that it should go on. "59 hours and 23 minutes have passed in Pittsburg since then." "It hurt so much. I wish my mother was here. It hurt. It burned. ... " I mostly whimper about how it hurt over and over again, only a feew other words between. "... It didn't listen to me. ... I wanted to beg. ... My eyes and tongue burned. ... I had no skin. ... I couldn't breath. ..."
It burned. It hurt so much.
I write and save another feew words. It's still as silly as the first time I did it, but the rite helps my mind. I can not jet put myself together, but I have my brooch and my mouse and can wirte and while healing I try over and over to write something down.
Why did he do that? Why did it hurt me? Why didn't it stop when I screamed! Too cruel! To cruel.
"Can you tell me?" I ask my brooch and it clicks non-understanding in response. "Can you tell me ... anything?" Another non-understanding click. "Can you tell me what you have experienced while I was K.O.?" "Yes." It takes a moment, before my brooch understands and starts to tell me. "0 hours and 0 minutes and 31 seconds after they released you, Nose of Winter touched you and talked to you. You screamed in response. 1 hours and 15 minutes after they released you, Nose of Winter touched you and talked to you. You screamed in response. ... 15 hours and 52 minutes: Nose of Winter touched you and you screamed in response, that he should not touch you again. ... 27 hours and 24 minutes: You used your mobile phone to type 'Mama'. ... " I listen to the long and boring listing of events, the steady rythem of my broochs voice that feelt like a spreedsheed calmes me more and finally I once again fall asleep.
I am alive. I could not beg for my live. But I am alive.
I don't know why I am alive, but
I don't know why I am alive. I don't remember more then pain, but I think I wished to die at lest one time.

I talked a lot to my brooch and a little to my bag. I also tried to talk to our protector, but it's too ... far. I could not talk to Nose. At first I felt too much pain. Then too much shame, because I wanted to beg for my live. And then I felt too much hate, because he knew that this place would not let me die and torture me horrible. But now I think it was all too fast. I did not think and this time it was good. I would have feared too much. I did my best to help Will and now can only hope he will be okay. Will is not here anymore and I can only wait and hope that Luna ... no, Charyss ... will give him back to us.

I wounder how I managed to face that fate. How did I manage to put my live on the line for our pack? All the time since the elder of Nose spoke to us I woundered if and how I could fight now. How can I fight against the end of our all mother? I still don't know how, but now I know that I can! I will fight this war with and for all I know. For Will, for Nose, for USA Today, for Gunning Thunder, for Tatjana, for Peter, for the nice guy from the gun shop, for Gaia.

I think I am still writing non-sense. But not much makes sense at the moment. I remember to see my mouse, my bag and everything to be devored by the silver that flowed all around me, but everything is fine. My spirits are here and even my mouse and the very device I am typing on. My clothes have not made it, but that's all.

I still don't understand and I think I don't want to understand how this spirts could be so cruel. But ... I am writing non-sense again. I will now stop writing and whimpering. I will sit up and talk to Nose. We will wait together for Will. And he'll return and we will be a pack again.

* @Crazy Pole: Ich hoffe das ist nicht zu viel Bunny-Hopping mit Nose.
Ich bin noch nicht 100%ig zufrieden mit dem Post und bei so was wichtigem werd ich mir die freiheit nehmen nachträglich zu ändern.

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