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Jim Darkmagic - LYSK Shemeska the Marauder

Spielrunden, Infos, Hintergründe und mehr zum Rollenspiel Dungeons & Dragon, Pathfinder und anderen Linien aus dem D20 Bereich
Jim Darkmagic
Beiträge: 48
Registriert: 14 Feb 2018 20:27
Given Name: Ralf

Jim Darkmagic - LYSK Shemeska the Marauder

Beitrag von Jim Darkmagic »


Nachdem Shemeska the Marauder sowohl eine Rolle in Mordenkainens Tome of foes spielt und darüber hinaus in Chris Perkins DMed Dice,Camera,Action seit season 2 regelmäßig auftritt und mir die foxy Lady auch gefällt :D , dachte ich, ich schreib/kopier hier mal kurz etwas Hintergrund zu Shemeska.

The disarmingly charming, self-titled King of the Crosstrade has amassed more personal power in the aftermath of the Tempest of Doors than any other cutter in Sigil. Her spies and informants within the factions have rapidly mutated, almost overnight, into a wide-ranging and deep network of contacts within the new and growing organizations in a still rebuilding and reorganizing Sigil. In the confusion that followed the Faction War, with a mixture of threats, garnish, and outright blackmail, the fiend has secured even more individuals squarely in the palm of her furry, taloned hand.

Shemeska appears as do most arcanaloths, only she is more vain and pretentious if it were at all possible. Her tawny, coppery-colored fur is kept impeccably groomed by a cadre of tiefling groomer-guards that surround her at all times, each of them trained as no mere toady, but as assassins of the highest order. She keeps herself adorned with a nearly garish array of rings, bracelets, earrings, and other adornments, each of them fit for royalty. She normally wraps her body in a tight, slender strapless gown supposedly given to her by a former, and long dead, lover within the Sensates. The fabric appears to shimmer a mix of blue, green, and violet and makes a delicate tinkling noise as it shifts whenever she moves. In fact, the cloth is composed of thousands of tiny colored glass beads strung upon ultra-fine wire and spun together as cloth. The fiend’s most trademark apparel, however, is the tiara of still living razorvine she wears upon her head, perched between her two ears that coils in brambles like some evilly twisted crown. [Yes, she’s honestly trying to give allusions between her own appearance and that of the Lady. Ask her why she doesn’t call herself the Queen of the Crosstrade, and step over the line just a bit more, and you’ll see her launch into a fit. – The Editor]

She is self-serving above all, can appear gracious and polite if needed, but always enters any discussion or bargaining from a position of power. She may toss out at random in a conversation some damaging or closely held secret of a visitor just to garner a reaction or impress upon them just how far her ears, and claws, reach into Sigil’s society on so many levels. At times, she may simply ignore someone speaking to her and admire her own reflection as she or one of her groomers adjusts some minor feature on her tiara, or a bit of fur out of place. She might break off a conversation mid point to probe the speaker about their feelings on a new ring or earring of hers, maybe even if the color of a gown or sash she’s wearing matches best with her eye color that day. But the mercurial Arcanaloth has a temper to match her vanity, and the slightest displeasure has been known to cause her to fly into one of her famed public temper tantrums, which typically end poorly for the sod that caused her to become unhinged. [Her public vanity is likely nothing more than a guise to make potential enemies underestimate her ability or personality. She is ruthless, utterly evil, and brilliant, even for her kind, make no mistake of this. – The Editor]

All of her power runs just below the surface of polite society, and while her status and order of business is the single worst kept secret in Sigil, she longs to have some actual pull in the Sigil advisory council, especially as how Estavan the Ogre Mage managed to get himself elected to it. Currently she’s wooing and playing the infernal temptress to both representative Holmin and Cirily of the Council, offering advancement of their ideas both inside and outside of official city business in ways only she can offer, the price negotiable of course. Her dance with Cirily is more cautious, what with the eladrin’s natural suspicion of the fiend, but Shemeska plays enough to the ideals of the nearly fallen celestial that a working relationship may soon be more than a pipedream.

Aside from the advisory council, the Marauder has been the force behind the rise of Kylie the Tout in the newly formed Escorts Guild and Touts Guild. It seems the fiend has an interest in keeping Kylie safe. Rumor has it the tiefling may even be related to Shemeska by way of couplings best left to rumor, but it’s more likely that Shemeska simply intends to snag power from her once the guild grows and reaches the level of competence she desires.

As an aside, Shemeska used to be called ShemesHka. It seems recently the fickle and self-obsessed arcanaloth up and changed the spelling and pronunciation of her name and, without spreading the word of the change, has expected everyone to call her properly by the new version. She’s lately been taking a nearly perverse pleasure in correcting and at times mocking those sods that say it wrong by accident, and in one case had the offending berk who called her the wrong name on purpose taken behind the Fortunes Wheel gambling hall and beaten to within an inch of his life. Inside she acted as if nothing untoward had happened at all, and returned to her dinner and any callers seeking to buy or sell information.

Welche Rolle spielt Shemeska the Marauder in Dice Camera Action , #Wafflecrew ? Nun neben der Storyline Funktion , um Diath Woodrow (Jared Knabenbauer) und seinem magischen Schwert "Gutter", durch welches er mit Hilfe von Schlüsseln mit Shemeska in Verbindung treten kann, liegt die Vermutung Nahe, dass WotC in Person von Chris Perkins die Figur den Spielern und DMs wieder in Erinnerung zu rufen, da Shemeska bereits das erste Mal in der 2nd Edition aufgetaucht ist. Was die DnD Community spekulieren lässt, dass hier enge zusamenhänge zu Mordenkainens Tome of foes bestehen. Irgendwo meine ich gelesen/gehört zu haben, dass MToF von Shemeshka gefunden/aquiriert wurde und aus ihrer Sicht geschrieben wurde bzw. durch sie "publiziert" wurde. Aber letzteres konnte ich durch zugegeben oberflächliche Recherche noch nicht bestätigen. Jedenfalls ist es kein Zufall, dass Chris Perkins Dice,Camera,Action dazu nutzt Shemeshka und u.a. die neuen Rassen und Monster aus dem Shadowfell , welche in MToF erläutert werden sollen , uns als "sneak-preview" in seinen Abenteuern für die Wafflecrew vorstellt. Als neutral evil Charakter mit entsprechender Macht, Geld und Stellung bietet Shameshka DMs viele Optione um Heldengruppen vor herausforderungen zu stellen.

Spoiler - Shameskas Rolle in Dice Camera Action - Kurzversion bis Episode 82 - click show zum ansehen
Alle die , die aktuelle Episode 82 von DCA gesehen haben , wissen das die Wafflecrew den Fluch, welcher Diath dazu Zwang Shameshka die Brille und das Buch des "Fuchses" zu bringen, magisch gebrochen haben, um Ihren verorenen Barden zu suchen , welcher unter dem Einfluss des Rings of Winter auf dem Weg zur Ravenqueen ist. Natürlich wird Shemeshka wissen das ihr Fluch gebrochen ist und interessiert mit ihrem magischen Spiegel verfolgen, was die gruppe tut. Ich persönlich bin neugierig auf das nächste treffen von Diath und Shameska. Könnte mir aber vorstellen, das sie zwar verärgert sein wird , aber noch nicht alle Trümpfe verloren hat , um die wafflecrew für ihre zwecke zu misbrauchen. U.a. wachsen ja noch die Würmer in den Körpern von 3 der 4 Wafflecrew-Mitglieder haran welche früher oder später versuchen werden die Charaktere zu kontrolieren.

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