Hallo liebe Gäste, Forennutzer und Vereinsmitglieder,

Wer sind wir?
Wir sind eine Gruppe begeisterter Rollenspieler, die sich zusammengefunden haben, um gemeinsam unser Hobby zu fördern. Oft bleiben Rollenspieler und Rollenspielgruppen unter sich, so dass Außenstehende wenig Möglichkeiten haben, sich damit vertraut zu machen. Die Würfelmeister haben sich daher zum Ziel gesetzt, Interessierten dieses spannende Hobby näher zu bringen und auch die Möglichkeit zum Spielen zu bieten. Außerdem wollen wir eine Plattform bieten für Rollenspieler, die Anschluss an Gruppen suchen oder selbst Gruppen gründen möchten.

An jedem letzten Mittwoch im Monat findet der offene Stammtisch der Würfelmeister e.V. statt.

Nächster Stammtisch: Am 27. November ab 19:00 Uhr in der Gaststätte Am Stift Haug. Siehe auch hier

Wir freuen uns, von euch zu hören.

Bleibt gesund
Eure Würfelmeister

Caern - Thorn Bush Sept

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4232
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Caern - Thorn Bush Sept

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Caern – Thorn Bush Sept
Type – Memory
Totem - Hedgehog
Size – 2/3
Garou – Children of Gaia/Black Furies/Fianna/Silver Fangs

Location – Near the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, in the former Brooklyn Community Center.

Caern positions:

Leader - Thomas "Saint's Fury" Herbot
Gatekeeper - Southpaw
Keeper of the Land - William "Breaker of Tides" O'Callan-Murdo
Master of the Challenge - James "Thornfingers" Fingal
Master of Rites - Abraham "Sky's Fire" Levi
Warder - -None-

Caller of the Wyld - Andrew Arnold
Talesinger - Maylin Brown
Truthcatcher - Lydia Black

Coiled Asp pack
Totem – Rattlesnake
Rank - 3

-Alpha – Thomas "Saint's Fury" Herbot - male homid Fianna Ahroun Rank
-Kathryn "Hagbane" Moran - female homid Black Fury Galliard
-James "Thornfingers" Fingal - male homid Child of Gaia Philodox
-William "Breaker of Tides" O'Callan-Murdo - male homid Silver Fang Ragabash

Last Call Pack
Totem – Hound of Annwn
Rank - 3

Quote: "The afterlife called, you're the next addition to today's list of the dearly and early departed."

-Alpha – Niall "Moonsong" Kirkpatrick – male homid Fianna Galliard. Appearance: A black haired man with a long mane. Looks like a rock band guitarist.
Quote: "It is the one road, it might be the wrong road, but we're together on the road to Gaia knows where."
-Chelsea "End of Line" Tabiatis – female homid Glasswalker Ragabash. Appearance: A slim mixed race woman of Mediterranean origin.
Quote: “Boy, you sure know how to end yourself, getting me all hot and bothered on a night out.”
-Rabbi Abraham "Sky's Fire" Levi - male homid Child of Gaia Theurge. Appearance: A slim blonde man with a sparse beard. Dressed like a lawyer.
Quote: "Luna is Shekinah, the divine presence and emanation of G-d, she is the moon to the sun. She is what inspires our divine rage."

Grove Tenders pack
Totem – Earth Burrowers
Rank - 2

-Alpha – Kerry "Grace o' Mountains" Derrick - female Child of Gaia Galliard
-Southpaw - male Lupus Bone Gnawer Ragabash
-Veronica "Sunray" McDougal - female Fianna Theurge
-Tanisha "Azure Squall" Davis - female Black Fury Ahroun

Rain of Embers pack
Totem – Volcano
Rank - 2

-Andrew Arnold – male homid Silver Fang Theurge
-Maylin "Thought caster" Brown – female homid Fianna Galliard
-Lydia "Speedforce" Black - female homid Glasswalker Philodox

Pain Train Pack
Totem – Tammany Hall
Rank - 1

Quote: "You can't stop the train from coming through!"

-Alpha: Troy "Stonewall" Willis - male homid Glasswalker Ahroun. Appearance: A massive brute wearing punk fashion, with a large rainbow flag on his jean jacket's back.
Quote: "What? Me? Riot? Never!"
-Oliver "Payday" Devereux - male homid Children of Gaia Philodox. Appearance: A slightly rotund young man wearing ill fitting tweed suits.
Quote: "Money opens every door. You just have to know how to use a credit card on a lock."
-Janice "Nadir" Harris - female homid Black Fury Theurge. Appearance: Wiry black woman dressed in black and heather. Wears a distinct pin looking like a rainbow crossed by lightning.
Quote: "Bottom? Buddy, you haven't seen the bottom yet."

PS: Hier bitte nicht posten.
Zuletzt geändert von Crazy Pole am 07 Sep 2024 13:02, insgesamt 8-mal geändert.
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4232
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: Caern - Thorn Bush Sept

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Story so far:

Charlotte is in deep shit. How deep? It's up to an Ahroun's nose, in Crinos. The ghosts of the past started coming through, vengeful ghosts that have a score to settle. The whole city is dotted with places they are coming through. From places were slaves were sold to confedrate graves, the spirits get into the land of the living. And then there's the banking. The whole city gets more and more littered by banks. Some are small, some are larger, but none make waves like two. The first is an old enemy with a new face, The Gould Trust, once known as Consolidex, a Pentex front for manner of dirty Wyrm infested dealings. The second is an enigma, they call themselves T&D Ltd., they built a tower of steel and mirror glass in the middle of the city. And like that the Umbra became rock solid around them. We tried to investigate, we were foolish. Many Garou died, they paid the price of curiosity. T&D is not a foe to be underestimated.

Last but not least, the city spirit, Charlotte, is our enemy. After years of neglect and abandonment, she decided to switch sides. She is getting very comfortable with the Weaver. The banks, the trades, the electronics, it all suits her. Her hornets buzz around the webs spun by the spiders.
The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil

Crazy Pole
Beiträge: 4232
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008 02:10

Re: Caern - Thorn Bush Sept

Beitrag von Crazy Pole »

Community Centre in Brooklyn, Charlotte.

The August and Sagacious Decadent Dynasty-Toppling Devil


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